To evaluate the diploma you need to:
1. Translate and notarize your diploma.
2. Fill out an application on the
ANABIN website. In the "Antragszweck" field, enter "Blue-Card angestrebt". If you have signed a contract, you must indicate "Blue-Card beantragt" and tick the "Arbeitsvertrag liegt vor" box.
3. Submit your application.
Clicking the "Senden" button will open a page with a link to the PDF document. You must save this document, print it and send it by mail to the address indicated in the application header. A letter will be sent to the email indicated in the application with further instructions and confirmation of the possibility of evaluating the diploma.
The application must be accompanied by the documents indicated on the
website. A detailed list of documents can be seen after choosing your country.
Important: send only copies, no originals. The assessment of the diploma will cost 200 euros for the first document of education, and 100 euros for all subsequent. The amount must be transferred to the account indicated in the email. Your application can only be processed after confirmation of payment.